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/ The Arsenal Files 1 / The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO / finance / cdiary13.zip

Jump To: Image (1)  |  Document (7)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (8)

Images (1)

Document (7)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
CDHELP.IDX Clarion Database File 3KB 1994-01-01
CDIARY.CFG Clarion Database File 289b 1994-01-01
DIARYLST.DAT Clarion Database File 149b 1994-01-01
GEORGEA.DAT Clarion Database File 396b 1994-01-01
GEORGEE.DAT Clarion Database File 2KB 1994-01-01
GEORGEX.DAT Clarion Database File 3KB 1994-01-01
PRINTERS.DAT Clarion Database File 8KB 1994-01-01

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ARSENAL.CD Text File 24 1KB 1994-01-25
CDMANUAL.TXT Text File 758 55KB 1994-01-01
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 379b 1994-01-01
ORDER.BAT DOS Batch File 12 337b 1994-01-01
ORDER.TXT Text File 198 12KB 1994-01-01
README Text File 4 216b 1994-01-01
README.BAT DOS Batch File 13 397b 1994-01-01
VENDINFO.TXT Text File 264 12KB 1994-01-01

Other Files (8)
CDIARY.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 491KB 1994-01-01
CDIARY.PIF Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1994-01-01
CDHELP.K01 Unknown 4KB 1994-01-01
DIARYLST.K01 Unknown 1KB 1994-01-01
GEORGEE.K01 Unknown 3KB 1994-01-01
GEORGEE.K02 Unknown 3KB 1994-01-01
GEORGEX.K01 Unknown 1KB 1994-01-01
PRINTERS.K01 Unknown 3KB 1994-01-01